Step by Step Guidelines for a Brazos County Warrant search
The article below demonstrates how to do a Brazos County warrant search and how to inquire about a person arrest history as part of an overall background check.
What are arrest warrants?
Brazos county warrants authorize the police to incarcerate a person who is suspected of committing a crime. To be legally binding, each warrant must be signed by a judge and it is up to the police to convince the judge that there is a probable cause to justify depriving a person of his freedom.
Once signed and issued by the court, arrest warrants remain valid indefinitely until executed and the suspect is taken into custody.
Running a warrant search
The best source for a Brazos County warrant search is the sheriff. You will have to arrive at his office (1700 West State Hwy 21 Bryan, Texas 77803) in person and inquire about a specific person. You may try to set an appointment with the Warrant Clerk on the phone at 979-361-4924.
In the majority of the cases, The sheriff stuff will be happy to share information about wanted people hoping that cooperation with the public will expedite their criminal investigations.
Turning directly to the court
The District Clerk is in charge of filing and storing criminal records issued by the court, among which are Brazos County warrants. So you should turn to them (County Courthouse 300 E. 26th Street Suite 1200/1201 Bryan, TX 77803 ph: 979-361-4230 ) and file a FOIA request to access criminal court records.
The District Attorney of Texas elaborates on this procedure at https://www.texasattorneygeneral.gov/open-government/members-public/how-request-public-information.
For your information, the Texas Open Records Act obligates the authorities to reveal most of their records to the public upon demand.
Carrying out an arrest search
A Brazos County warrant search will not tell you much about a person's incarceration history. To find out if someone you know has ever spent time in jail, you will have to run a separate search.
Brazos County arrest records can be searched electronically using an official online inmate search tool operated by the authorities. You will find this tool at https://jailsearch.brazoscountytx.gov/JailSearch/default.aspx
You will have to insert the defendan'st name and you will be shown booking number, arrest and release date, arresting agency and charges filed against the detainee.
If you want to investigate further, you should contact the county's detention center at 979-361-4800.
Using state's resources
If you want to broaden your inquiry to cover all of TX counties, you should refer to the Criminal Name Search operated by the TxDPS. It displays all arrests and prosecutions for Class B misdemeanor and or more serious crimes from all over the state. You will need to register and open an account to use this database
You can also visit the website of the Texas Department of Criminal Justice and use their online offender search. It displays Texas prison records stored by the authorities.
How can this website assist you
As you can see, running a full criminal background check requires using the services of several offices. Don't you want to get all the information using one comprehensive source and, therefore save precious time?
This site's search tool does exactly that. You will be able to run a Brazos County warrant search, get jail records and any other criminal record by just typing the subject's name.
Results are highly accurate and are kept up-to-date . You will not have to reveal your personal details when running your inquiry. Searchers' anonymity is strictly observed.
Useful sources for Brazos County warrant search:
The District Clerk: https://www.brazoscountytx.gov/index.aspx?nid=135
The TDCJ Offender Search: https://offender.tdcj.texas.gov/OffenderSearch/start.action
The TxDPS Criminal History Search Tool: https://records.txdps.state.tx.us/DpsWebsite/CriminalHistory/