What is Texas Arrest Warrants Search?

What is Texas Arrest Warrants Search? Texas Arrest Warrants Search was established to enable its users to conduct a background check on people living in Texas. We believe that it is important to enable users to check whether people they come in contact with on a daily basis do not have any criminal records that might put others in danger. We are also interested in helping people find information about their past so they can be sure there is not any outstanding warrant carrying their name. We did our best to concentrate all the information searchers need in one place and to allow them quick, efficient and convenient access to it. Our search service will definitely save searchers a lot of time and bother (and sometimes money) finding the information on their own. As a bonus, this website also provides full access to comprehensive civil records that contain valuable information people often need.What does our service include?
By using our criminal search service, you will gain access to a variety of criminal and civil records. You will get the full name of the person you are searching plus date of birth, last known address and address history, phone number, neighbors and relatives, his / her social network and e-mail search. Criminal records will include outstanding arrest warrants, arrest records court records and other relevant police records. Civil records will include property check, marriage and divorce records and death records.
What may you find in the criminal reports?
Criminal records reports may include description of charges, case number, arrest history, sentence and more Warrant search reports may contain the suspect's personal details and physical description, description of his / her crime, warrant and case number and more. Sex offences reports will display offender's address, aliases, case number, charges, conviction and more.
What may you find in the civil reports?
Reports may contain personal information on the person you have been searched and on his family, case number, filing, relatives, property data, and more.
Where is the information derived from?
Texasarrestwarrants.org gets its information from governmental and public databases that contain more than 2 billion records.
Is the information accurate?
Yes, a lot of effort is put into updating the databases on a regular basis with the attempt of reaching maximum authenticity and accuracy.
Is the search confidential and safe?
Absolutely yes! We do not transfer data to any third party. In addition, while you do the search, you will not be required to give any personal details about yourself. Your payment is 100% secured. Credit Card numbers are not stored and information is shared with no one. It is important to stress that the person you are searching will have no way of knowing he / she has been searched.
What are the accepted payment methods?
You can pay by using one of the following: VISA, MasterCard, American Express, DISCOVER, Diners Club or PayPal.
How do I log into my account?
Go to the members area. Enter your username (email address) and password in the "Account Login" box. For further assistance logging into our members area please visit the support page.
Are there any limitations on using the search results?
Yes. You cannot use the information you will obtain for the following purposes: • Preparing a news report. • Hurting people physically or emotionally. • Acquiring information related to adoption issues. • Acquiring information on celebrities, politicians or high ranking governmental employees. • Checking whether a person is eligible for credit or insurance.
What do unlimited access / reports mean?
By gaining unlimited access or reports, you will be able to view all our criminal and civil records which enable you to learn about a person's full background.
Can information about me be removed from the database?
Yes. You will have to file a request via customer support. You will be asked to verify your identity and address. Requests may be submitted only through mail or fax.
How can I cancel my trial?
Refer to the support link in the members area and ask to cancel your trial.
How can I terminate my subscription?
You can opt out of the service whenever you want by Contacting us. For your information, fees are charged on a monthly basis. The unused portion of the month cannot be refunded.