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Search Criminal Records In TEXAS

Database Update on February 10, 2025

Texas Arrest Warrants
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Sterling County Court Records Sterling County Court Records How you can find Sterling County court records, jail records and warrants, Texas. Inquire about a person's background using this website's online tool
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Finding Sterling County Court Records, Arrest Dockets & Outstanding Warrants

Sterling County court records show a person's prior convictions and are, therefore, the basic component of every background check. You will need to use the services of the County Clerk and the District Clerk as they are the offices responsible for processing and storing Sterling County court records. The former deals with misdemeanor offenses; the latter with more severe felony cases.

Visit their offices (Exact addresses can be found on the county's webpage, on the 'quicklinks' window on the left) and file a FOIA request. Texas law obligates the authorities to reveal public records upon demand.

Searching for arrest records and warrants

Those interested in checking a person's incarceration history are recommended contacting the sheriff (Phone: 325-378-4771, 609 4th Ave, Sterling City, Texas 76951). This is where reliable data on Sterling County arrest records can be gathered.

While other sheriffs of larger counties maintain an online search tool, in Sterling, TX, your inquiry should be done the old-fashioned way by physically going to the sheriff office. The big plus is that once you arrived there, you can kill two birds with one stone and also inquire about Sterling County warrants. The sheriff usually has no objection sharing information on wanted suspects.

Carrying out a wider Texas background check

Sterling County court records only reveal information on people convicted of crimes on a local level. To encompass the entire state, here is what you should do:

1) The TxDPS maintains an online Criminal History Name Search which reveals (after you sign up and pay a fee) people incarcerated for Class B misdemeanor and more serious offenses in all of TX counties.

2) Texas prison records can be searched electronically by referring to the online offender search operated by the TDCJ.

Saving time and effort

It is possible to get a full criminal history report on any person in Texas (and other U.S. states) by using the inquiry tool on found here. This report shows Sterling County court records, jail records and warrants as well as statewide criminal data. All searches are 100% confidential. The data is updated. Fees are low.