How to Find Karnes County Jail Records, Texas
Karnes County Jail Records are not displayed online, so in order to trace a detainee, you should turn to the local correctional center at 810 Commerce Street, Karnes City, Texas 78118 (ph: 830-780-3525). They can tell you if a person is currently in custody.
There are two additional online databases you should refer to for a more thorough check:
- The TDCJ operates an offender search you can utilize for a statewide inmate lookup.
- Texas arrest records can be found on the online Criminal History Name Search operated by the TxDPS. It provides data on people all across the state who were incarcerated and prosecuted for violations greater than Class B misdemeanor. This service costs money and requires registration. For further instructions, go here.
How to carry out a warrant search
To inquire about Karnes County warrants, go to the sheriff office (500 E. Wall St. Karnes City, TX 78118 Ph: 830-780-3931). They are responsible for executing the court's arrest orders. Ask to go over their wanted people list to see if anyone you know appears in it.
Obtaining conviction records
To track a person's history of convictions, visit the County Clerk’s office, where you can ask to see Karnes County court records dealing with misdemeanor offenses. To inquire about felony cases, go to the District Clerk’s office. You can also view current and future dockets online here.
Be advised, to gain access to public records, you must file a FOIA request. For further instructions, consult the webpage published by the General Attorney.
Carrying out a Texas sex offender search
To locate a sex offender by name or location, visit the electronic registry managed by the TxDPS. This is the best way to discover whether a person charged with a sexual assault lives near you.
Using this website's search service
If you want to find all the information you need for a criminal record check using one comprehensive resource, we recommend the search service provided by www.texasarrestwarrants.org. For a very small fee, you will obtain accurate and updated background reports on any person you were checking including Karnes County jail records and the state's prison records, warrants, court dockets and more. Searchers' confidentiality is strictly observed.