El Paso County Warrant and Arrest Records Search
Basically, you will need access to three legal documents to conduct a criminal background check in El Paso County, Texas. These documents consist of arrest warrants, arrest records and court records. To obtain them, you will have to conduct your inquiry using multiple online and offline sources.
Finding relevant warrant information
To undertake an El Paso County warrant search, use the resources the sheriff office makes available to the public. One notable resource is the open warrant search. This search requires no more than the person's surname to get the relevant information.
In addition, the sheriff's website presents a detailed list of outstanding warrants issued for class C violations which you can access here. For further information, you can call the Warrant Section. Their number is 915-546-2214.
To run a full criminal background check on a person, you should go to the sheriff office headquarters. They are located at 3850 Justice Drive, El Paso, TX 79938. You can try and reach them by phone at 915-538-2292.
There are some things you have to know: 1) You can conduct a background check on yourself only. 2) Checks on another person require a notarized authorization. 3) If during the check it is revealed that there is an outstanding warrant with your name on it, you may be taken into custody. So be careful.
Guidelines for performing an arrest search
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The sheriff's website also offers its users an online inmate search option that will show people that are detained in the Downtown Jail and East Montana Jail Annex at present.
You can also run an El Paso County arrest records search using the Computerized Criminal History System. This is a governmental electronic database maintained by the Texas Department of Public Safety. It will present the arrest histories of persons who committed offenses that are considered more serious than Class B misdemeanor. To use it, you must open a user account.
El Paso County court records
If you are interested in information on civil records, you will need to fill in a request file which you can download on the district clerk website here. You can also issue a request via e-mail (districtclerk@epcounty.com).
You can utilize an electronic official records search that may help you find the documents you are looking for. As to criminal court records, you can use the county's online case search tool.
Alternatively, you may visit the district clerk office at 500 E. San Antonio. Suite 103. El Paso, Texas 79901 or the county clerk at the same address, Suite 105. For information on expungement records, you need to contact the special office that is responsible for supervising them. Their email is vbarriga@epcounty.com.
Crime Data
A glimpse at the criminal reports issued by the TxDPS will reveal that in 2013, 21096 crimes were committed in the county. These crimes consisted of 12 murders, 235 rapes, 496 robberies, 2114 assaults, 2347 burglaries, 14931 larceny cases, and 961 auto thefts. On average, 2514.5 crimes occur per 100,000 residents. Police have carried out 5528 arrests.