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Search Criminal Records In TEXAS

Database Update on February 10, 2025

Texas Arrest Warrants
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Criminal Background Check in Gray County Criminal Background Check in Gray County How to run a criminal background check in Gray County, Texas. Find arrest records and perform a warrant search. Inquire about a person's criminal history.
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Conducting a Criminal Background Check in Gray County

In the lines below, we provide useful tips to assist you in obtaining the documents needed for a criminal background check in Texas while focusing on Gray County. These documents include, most of all, arrest records but also outstanding warrants and court records.

Initiating an arrest inquiry

People will have an arrest record on their name if they have been incarcerated for one reason or another even if they have not been accused of a crime.

Information on Gray County arrest records can be found at the sheriff office. You just have to contact them (218 N. Russell, Pampa, TX 79065. Phone no. 806-669-8022) and ask to be shown a list of current or past detainees. Unless we are talking about minors, jail records are open to the public under the Texas Public Information Act.

You will find it easier to carry out an arrest search by resorting to wider databases. The TxDPS manages an online inquiry tool which presents a person's criminal records, prior arrests and prosecutions in all of TX counties.

There is another highly effective research tool that allows you to run a Texas offender search with results covering the state's inmates. This database is maintained by TDCJ.

How to Carry Out a Warrants Search

Most people who are looking for Gray County warrants visit the sheriff's office at 218 N. Russell, Pampa, TX 79065 (phone number: 806-669-8022). That is because there is no online option to garner information on the county's wanted people ad fugitives.

If you are checking about yourself (to make sure there is no outstanding warrant for you in the system), we would not advise going to the sheriff office but sending someone to inquire for you for the simple reason that if it turns out that you are wanted by the police, you will be taken into custody without delay.

Initiating a criminal record search

You may suspect that someone close to you has been prosecuted or even charged with a crime. In this case, you may want to view Gray County court records.

The offices of the county clerk and the district clerk keep these records, so you should approach them. The former will be able to provide information on misdemeanor cases; the latter will assist you with felony cases. Both will demand submitting a FOIA request. The website of the Texas attorney General explains in detail how to do it.

Searching for Texas Sex Offenders

There may be sex offenders in your neighborhood, so it’s a good idea to run frequent searches on your area. This is surprisingly easy to do. You can search for people convicted of sex crimes by checking on them on the Texas sex offender registry.